Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Gear Wells

I got the gear wells done finally.  Here you can see one assembled and one in pieces.
And here is the completed assembly attached to the outside of the inner wall.  The outer hull will go over this, forming the enclosed gear well.  The hole on the right is a troop door window.
I added the cargo straps on the wing box, magically transforming this into an ER jet.  The stripes are terrible, but you won't be able to see much more than the color...I hope.
Next came the massively compicated task of gluing the top and bottom halves of the horizontal stab togeather.  The staging lights on the bottom are a nice touch though.
I also put in some of the main body windows, like this CP kick window.  I used plain white glue to avoid the fogging that superglue causes for clear parts.
And finally, something to fly the plane with!  They are just toothpicks painted black, and are massivly over sized, but you should be able to see them through the cockpit windows at least.  If they look to big later, I can always rip them out.
Next step will be gluing the wings togeather and then I might have to pause for a bit to wait for the tank.  Oh well!


  1. It is interesting to watch your progress. I don't know how you can work with such little parts. My eyes would be crossd. I assume you are doing this after Christopher is asleep. Or he would want to "help".

  2. Well, because this is such a big model some of the parts are actually larger than they look. And yes, most of the work is done when he's asleep. Good thing it is staying light later now!

  3. Hey, I had an idea while doing the dishes. If the tooth picks are too big, what about using something like spathetti for the stick? You might find something at Hobby Lobby, but that would require time to hunt it down.

  4. Thanks for the idea, I'll see if that would be smaller.
